Mingdong Wu | 吴铭东

A third-year Ph.D. student in Peking University (PKU).


I have been a Ph.D. student since 2021 in the School of Computer Science at PKU, advised by Prof. Hao Dong. I received my bachelor degree in 2021, from Turing Class in PKU.

My research interest lies in robot learning, generative models, reinforcement learning and 3D perception problems. I aim to build intelligent embodied agents


Jul 8, 2024 One paper gets accepted to RAL 2024 🎉
Jul 1, 2024 One paper gets accepted to ECCV 2024 🎉
Sep 11, 2023 One paper gets accepted to SIGGRAPH Asia 2023 🎉
Sep 12, 2023 One paper gets accepted to BMVC 2023 (Oral) 🎉
Sep 22, 2023 Three paper gets accepted to NeurIPS 2023 🎉
Apr 18, 2023 One paper gets accepted to RAL 2023 🎉
Feb 28, 2023 One paper gets accepted to CVPR 2023 🎉
Sep 16, 2022 One paper gets accepted to NeurIPS 2022 🎉

Selected Publications

(*) indicates equal contribution [Full List]


  1. Arxiv 2024
    UniDexFPM: Universal Dexterous Functional Pre-grasp Manipulation Via Diffusion Policy
    Tianhao Wu*Yunchong Gan*Mingdong Wu, Jingbo Cheng, Yaodong Yang, Yixin Zhu, and Hao Dong
    Under Review, 2024
  2. ECCV 2024
    Omni6DPose: A Benchmark and Model for Universal 6D Object Pose Estimation and Tracking
    Jiyao Zhang*, Weiyao Huang*, Bo Peng*, Mingdong Wu, Fei Hu, Zijian Chen, Bo Zhao, and Hao Dong
    European Conference on Computer Vision, 2024
  3. RAL 2024
    Distilling Functional Rearrangement Priors from Large Models
    Mingdong Wu*, Yiming Zeng*, Long Yang, Jiyao Zhang, Hao Ding, Hui Cheng, and Hao Dong
    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2024


  1. NeurIPS 2023
    GenPose: Generative Category-level Object Pose Estimation via Diffusion Models
    Jiyao Zhang*Mingdong Wu*, and Hao Dong
    Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, 2023
  2. NeurIPS 2023
    Learning Score-based Grasping Primitive for Human-assisting Dexterous Grasping
    Tianhao Wu*Mingdong Wu*Jiyao ZhangYunchong Gan, and Hao Dong
    Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, 2023
  3. SIGGRAPH Asia
    Learning Gradient Fields for Scalable and Generalizable Irregular Packing
    Tianyang Xue*Mingdong Wu*Lin Lu, Haoxuan Wang, Hao Dong, and Baoquan Chen
    SIGGRAPH Asia, 2023
  4. BMVC 2023
    Score-PA: Score-based 3D Part Assembly
    Junfeng Cheng, Mingdong WuRuiyuan ZhangGuanqi ZhanChao Wu, and Hao Dong
    British Machine Vision Conference, 2023
  5. CVPR 2023
    GFPose: Learning 3d human pose prior with gradient fields
    Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2023


  1. NeurIPS 2022
    TarGF: Learning Target Gradient Field to Rearrange Objects without Explicit Goal Specification
    Mingdong Wu*Fangwei Zhong*, Yulong Xia, and Hao Dong
    Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2022