@article{zhang2024unidexfpm,title={UniDexFPM: Universal Dexterous Functional Pre-grasp Manipulation Via Diffusion Policy},author={Wu*, Tianhao and Gan*, Yunchong and Wu, Mingdong and Cheng, Jingbo and Yang, Yaodong and Zhu, Yixin and Dong, Hao},journal={Under Review},year={2024}}
ECCV 2024
Omni6DPose: A Benchmark and Model for Universal 6D Object Pose Estimation and Tracking
Jiyao Zhang*, Weiyao Huang*, Bo Peng*, Mingdong Wu, Fei Hu, Zijian Chen, Bo Zhao, and Hao Dong
@article{zhang2024omni6dpose,title={Omni6DPose: A Benchmark and Model for Universal 6D Object Pose Estimation and Tracking},author={Zhang*, Jiyao and Huang*, Weiyao and Peng*, Bo and Wu, Mingdong and Hu, Fei and Chen, Zijian and Zhao, Bo and Dong, Hao},journal={European Conference on Computer Vision},year={2024}}
RAL 2024
Distilling Functional Rearrangement Priors from Large Models
Mingdong Wu*, Yiming Zeng*, Long Yang, Jiyao Zhang, Hao Ding, Hui Cheng, and Hao Dong
@article{zeng2023distilling,title={Distilling Functional Rearrangement Priors from Large Models},author={Wu*, Mingdong and Zeng*, Yiming and Yang, Long and Zhang, Jiyao and Ding, Hao and Cheng, Hui and Dong, Hao},journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},year={2024}}
NeurIPS 2023
GenPose: Generative Category-level Object Pose Estimation via Diffusion Models
We explore a pure generative approach to tackle the multi-hypothesis issue in 6D Category-level Object Pose Estimation. The key idea is to generate pose candidates using a score-based diffusion model and filter out outliers using an energy-based diffusion model. By aggregating the remaining candidates, we can obtain a robust and high-quality output pose.
@article{zhang2023genpose,news={机器之心},news_link={https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/RYV_aap9eYtwX_4_Ghr5Vw},sota_link={https://paperswithcode.com/sota/6d-pose-estimation-using-rgbd-on-real275?p=genpose-generative-category-level-object-pose},sota_badge={https://img.shields.io/endpoint.svg?url=https://paperswithcode.com/badge/genpose-generative-category-level-object-pose/6d-pose-estimation-using-rgbd-on-real275},star={https://img.shields.io/github/stars/Jiyao06/GenPose?style=social&label=Code+Stars},title={GenPose: Generative Category-level Object Pose Estimation via Diffusion Models},author={Zhang*, Jiyao and Wu*, Mingdong and Dong, Hao},journal={Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},year={2023}}
NeurIPS 2023
Learning Score-based Grasping Primitive for Human-assisting Dexterous Grasping
@article{wu2023learning,news={新智元},news_link={https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/hpzZWMizR8tPSGIvGVjPoA},star={https://img.shields.io/github/stars/tianhaowuhz/human-assisting-dex-grasp?style=social&label=Code+Stars},title={Learning Score-based Grasping Primitive for Human-assisting Dexterous Grasping},author={Wu*, Tianhao and Wu*, Mingdong and Zhang, Jiyao and Gan, Yunchong and Dong, Hao},journal={Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},year={2023}}
NeurIPS 2023
Find What You Want: Learning Demand-conditioned Object Attribute Space for Demand-driven Navigation
@article{wang2023find,news={机器之心},news_link={https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Sj2q02VkY6HMzHDot6X9_w},star={https://img.shields.io/github/stars/whcpumpkin/Demand-driven-navigation?style=social&label=Code+Stars},title={Find What You Want: Learning Demand-conditioned Object Attribute Space for Demand-driven Navigation},author={Wang, Hongcheng and Chen, Andy Guan Hong and Li, Xiaoqi and Wu, Mingdong and Dong, Hao},journal={Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},year={2023}}
SIGGRAPH Asia 2023
Learning Gradient Fields for Scalable and Generalizable Irregular Packing
@article{Xue2023learning,abbryear={2023},title={Learning Gradient Fields for Scalable and Generalizable Irregular Packing},author={Xue*, Tianyang and Wu*, Mingdong and Lu, Lin and Wang, Haoxuan and Dong, Hao and Chen, Baoquan},journal={SIGGRAPH Asia},year={2023}}
@article{cheng2023score,oral={Oral},title={Score-PA: Score-based 3D Part Assembly},author={Cheng, Junfeng and Wu, Mingdong and Zhang, Ruiyuan and Zhan, Guanqi and Wu, Chao and Dong, Hao},journal={British Machine Vision Conference},year={2023}}
RAL 2023
Learning Semantic-Agnostic and Spatial-Aware Representation for Generalizable Visual-Audio Navigation
@article{wang2023learning,title={Learning Semantic-Agnostic and Spatial-Aware Representation for Generalizable Visual-Audio Navigation},author={Wang, Hongcheng and Wang, Yuxuan and Zhong, Fangwei and Wu, Mingdong and Zhang, Jianwei and Wang, Yizhou and Dong, Hao},journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},year={2023},publisher={IEEE}}
CVPR 2023
GFPose: Learning 3d human pose prior with gradient fields
GFPose is a unified 3D human pose prior model that can be easily used for various applications, e.g., 3D human pose estimation, pose denoising and generation. Our key idea is to estimate the gradient field (a.k.a, score) of the perturbed human pose. We can leverage the gradient to adjust poses to be more plausible and feasible to a task specification.
@inproceedings{ci2023gfpose,sota_link={https://paperswithcode.com/sota/multi-hypotheses-3d-human-pose-estimation-on?p=gfpose-learning-3d-human-pose-prior-with},sota_badge={https://img.shields.io/endpoint.svg?url=https://paperswithcode.com/badge/gfpose-learning-3d-human-pose-prior-with/multi-hypotheses-3d-human-pose-estimation-on},star={https://img.shields.io/github/stars/Embracing/GFPose?style=social&label=Code+Stars},title={GFPose: Learning 3d human pose prior with gradient fields},author={Ci, Hai and Wu, Mingdong and Zhu, Wentao and Ma, Xiaoxuan and Dong, Hao and Zhong, Fangwei and Wang, Yizhou},booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},pages={4800--4810},year={2023}}
NeurIPS 2022
TarGF: Learning Target Gradient Field to Rearrange Objects without Explicit Goal Specification
We study object rearrangement without explicit goal specification. The agent is given examples from a target distribution and aims at rearranging objects to increase the likelihood of the distribution. Our key idea is to learn a target gradient field that indicates the fastest direction to increase the likelihood from examples via score-matching.
@inproceedings{wu2022targf,title={Tar{GF}: Learning Target Gradient Field to Rearrange Objects without Explicit Goal Specification},author={Wu*, Mingdong and Zhong*, Fangwei and Xia, Yulong and Dong, Hao},booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},editor={Oh, Alice H. and Agarwal, Alekh and Belgrave, Danielle and Cho, Kyunghyun},year={2022},url={https://openreview.net/forum?id=Euv1nXN98P3}}